How to get employees back to office post-covid? A question HR professionals must answer!

How to get employees back to office post-covid? A question HR professionals must answer!

Many HR professionals around the world are wondering how to get employees back into office once this pandemic has died down. For now, most have been working from home for about 18 months and many of them would much rather continue doing so than return to a high-stress workplace environment where they may be ostracized or discriminated against due to even minor illness apart from Covid itself.

Remote work is an increasingly popular trend, but there are always challenges that come with the territory. For example, one of these difficulties can be in figuring out how to make sure remote employees stay connected and engaged when they’re not on site. One-way employers have set about tackling this issue has been by instituting virtual teams where everyone works together remotely and shares their strengths so you get a more well-rounded team working for your company.

While working from home might seem like a convenient option because it saves money or time spent commuting; nothing beats having people all under the same roof sharing ideas face-to-face as opposed to communicating over phone lines alone!

By putting a strategy in place and involving HR heads and managers, this process can be seamless rather than difficult. Here are a few tips for HR professionals and managers across the world to get employees back to office.:

  • Thank them for their role in working from home till now
  • Create a clear back-to-office policy
  • Set a fixed date after a call with all functional heads. Dates may vary from function to function
  • Address any questions and concerns that they may have
  • Ensure Covid protocol signs are put all over the office so that social distancing norms are maintained. You can browse through some of the signs available with us here
  • Introduce a fresh new look to your office by using Wall Graphics. This will help create a stress-free environment and provide a fresh lease of energy to your staff.

Note: While this strategy can be put in place now, it is the duty of HR professionals to only execute it once the pandemic has really died down and the government relaxes its norms so that employees can return to office.

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